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COLD audience? 10 steps to start heating now!

Is there some potential that you haven’t yet explored in your market? Well, there sure is. Then, there is a portion of potential consumers you must be willing to reach. Have you ever heard of cold, hot and warm audience? If you’re not in the marketing area, maybe it’s the first time. This metaphor is perfect and very easy to understand: the “cold” audience is the one who has never heard of your brand or service, doesn’t know you, has nearly zero information. The “lukewarm” audience advanced to the next stage of consciousness. This group already recognizes your brand, knows what you do and considers being your customer someday. What about the “hot” audience? This group has been in contact with you for some time and appreciates your content. These people trust your brand and are in the ideal time to buy.Read More »COLD audience? 10 steps to start heating now!

Happy brunette using a 24-hour terminal station

How can UX Writing help your business?

User experience (UX) writing is a critical aspect of the success of any business. It can help improve customer satisfaction, increase remote service efficiency, and resolve issues faster, resulting in greater profitability.

You might believe this discipline is exclusive to large technology companies. Or that it only applies to digital applications. In fact, the concept is broader, since the user experience occurs both in physical and digital environments. Read More »How can UX Writing help your business?

dois funis, um vermelho e um azul simbolizando contraste e metodologias diferentes

Inbound Marketing and Unbound Marketing, can you tell the difference?

Inbound marketing and unbound marketing are two different strategies used to attract customers. Inbound marketing focuses on creating content that is relevant to the needs and interests the customer already has. Unbound marketing focuses on arousing this interest. It can be said that the two approaches deal with audiences at different levels of consciousness. Therefore, they will help you design your “marketing and sales funnel” specifically.

Read More »Inbound Marketing and Unbound Marketing, can you tell the difference?

People silhouettes floating in the air, with a "dunno" hands gesture, neon lights

Your customer might be left “in a vacuum”…

Confusing Chatbot? Your Customer might be left “in a vacuum”,  waiting to be rescued!

You know that feeling of not knowing which direction to go when you get lost on a trail? So, at this very moment there could be some of your potential clients in this exact situation. Luckily, they are not in an endangered situation or environment. The only risk, in this case, is for you, if that customer gets upset and decides to ask your competitor for help. 

Read More »Your customer might be left “in a vacuum”…

Ímã rosa pink atrai pessoas que simbolizam os leads de marketing, ou seja, clientes potenciais

12 Ways to Attract Leads to Your Business

Do you already know the email marketing process, but still need to expand the possibilities to nurture your lead base? Building a qualified base is the first essential point. It’s no use sending emails with persuasive texts to a huge list of people who don’t hold the potential to be your client. By producing content targeted to the characteristics of your persona (ideal customer), you will attract the right customers.

Read More »12 Ways to Attract Leads to Your Business

Pessoa em frente a placas de sinal de orientação

How to plan your Consumer Journey

The customer journey is the process a person goes through from the first time they interact with a company to becoming a loyal customer. It often acts as a funnel, where every interaction with the brand moves closer to conversion.
The funnel starts with awareness, which is when consumers are first exposed to a brand. This can happen in many different ways, such as through advertising, advertising or online browsing. After this step, the consumer can enter the consideration and evaluation stages where he decides whether or not to buy from that company. If they decide to buy from them, they will enter the final conversion and purchase stage.

Read More »How to plan your Consumer Journey

A pink avatar stands out from a crowd of white avatars.

How to define your buyer persona?

You’ve probably heard the term “persona” many times in marketing content. It is the definition of a character, or semi-fictional avatar, which summarizes the ideal customer profile for a brand, the customer’s lifestyle, needs, pains and anxieties. Unlike the (more comprehensive) target audience concept, this approach is more personal and has been used to guide the creation of engaging and effective strategies and content. However, many entrepreneurs still have this doubt – how to define the persona?

Read More »How to define your buyer persona?

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