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Which is the best Social Media to Build Authority for my Personal Brand?

This is a question that hovers over the minds of many entrepreneurs, especially those looking to build a strong presence in the digital world. The truth is that there is no single answer to this question, as choosing the best social network to build authority for your personal brand depends on a number of factors, the main one being your target audience’s profile. To help you map out your strategy, we’re going to explore the top social networks and their audiences here to help you make the right decision for your marketing strategy.Read More »Which is the best Social Media to Build Authority for my Personal Brand?

Yellow and blue box gloves

Google Ads x Meta Ads: which one is better for my campaign?

When it comes to reaching the right audience for your products and services in the digital market, Google Ads and Meta Ads platforms receive most of the investments, and provoke distinct opinions among traffic managers. Each of them has its own benefits, and focusing on one of them can determine the success of your ad strategy. Here, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both to help entrepreneurs like you make the right choice for your campaigns.Read More »Google Ads x Meta Ads: which one is better for my campaign?

crawler robot

SEO – are crawlers crazy?

Hi there, dear reader! If you are intrigued by the “mysteries” of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and obsessed about trying to appear at the top of Google / Bing searches in your city (be it San Francisco, Lisbon, or anywhere in the world), this article is for you. Let’s talk about SEO best practices and show it is possible to achieve results. To illustrate all of this, I’ll tell you how a small business can position itself and win customers in just 4 months on the internet. Get ready for some laughs and a dose of inspiration!

Read More »SEO – are crawlers crazy?

David typing with lights

10 Lessons by the master David Ogilvy

In the realm of advertising and copywriting, few names hold as much weight as David Ogilvy. Known as the “Father of Advertising,” Ogilvy revolutionized the industry with his creative brilliance, strategic thinking, and unwavering commitment to excellence. As a copywriter and communications blogger, I have long admired David Ogilvy’s work and have learned invaluable lessons from his groundbreaking approach. In this article, I will share ten of the most significant lessons I have gleaned from this pioneering copywriter and publicist.

Read More »10 Lessons by the master David Ogilvy

a book with the nr 10 on the cover

10 Invaluable Lessons from Neil Patel

Today, I will share 10 of the most significant lessons from the digital marketing specialist Neil Patel. In the world of digital marketing, a few experts established themselves as authorities. One name that stands out is Patel. With his vast knowledge and success, Neil Patel became a go-to figure for marketers seeking guidance. So, as a copywriter and marketing blogger, I follow Neil’s work and learn with his joruney.

Read More »10 Invaluable Lessons from Neil Patel

Smiling guy reading up on his tablet

Conversational Marketing: the Impact of Humanized Dialogue on Sales

In today’s digital world, companies are constantly looking for ways to enhance their marketing strategies to drive online service sales. One technique that has proven to be extremely effective is Conversational Marketing. This approach combines marketing automation, sales process flow, and user experience to create personalized and relevant interactions with prospects. Next, you’ll see how Conversational Marketing can positively impact the sales of your online services.Read More »Conversational Marketing: the Impact of Humanized Dialogue on Sales

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