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Neuromarketing in Advertising and B2B Sales: how to Increase Results

Hi there, techpreneurs! Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the 2024 Brazil Forum by IBN (Brazilian Institute of Neuromarketing). The event[…]

a book with the nr 10 on the cover

10 Invaluable Lessons from Neil Patel

Today, I will share 10 of the most significant lessons from the digital marketing specialist Neil Patel. In the world of digital marketing, a few[…]

pessoa com roupa de esquimó no frio

COLD audience? 10 steps to start heating now!

Is there some potential that you haven’t yet explored in your market? Well, there sure is. Then, there is a portion of potential consumers you[…]

dois funis, um vermelho e um azul simbolizando contraste e metodologias diferentes

Inbound Marketing and Unbound Marketing, can you tell the difference?

Inbound marketing and unbound marketing are two different strategies used to attract customers. Inbound marketing focuses on creating content that is relevant to the needs and[…]

Ímã rosa pink atrai pessoas que simbolizam os leads de marketing, ou seja, clientes potenciais

12 Ways to Attract Leads to Your Business

Do you already know the email marketing process, but still need to expand the possibilities to nurture your lead base? Building a qualified base is[…]

African-american girl smiles while she reads her tablet, indicating she's reading good content.

Increase your Sales with Content Marketing

​Content marketing is a strategy based on the generation and delivery of relevant and valuable content to attract a specific target audience, or rather, your[…]

Pessoa em frente a placas de sinal de orientação

How to plan your Consumer Journey

The customer journey is the process a person goes through from the first time they interact with a company to becoming a loyal customer. It[…]

A pink avatar stands out from a crowd of white avatars.

How to define your buyer persona?

You’ve probably heard the term “persona” many times in marketing content. It is the definition of a character, or semi-fictional avatar, which summarizes the ideal customer[…]

several people communicating in different means while they walk, mainly with mobile devices.

Omnichannel Communication Management

Omnichannel communication is a process of managing communication channels to provide a seamless customer experience. It is an approach that integrates all communication channels with each[…]

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