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SEO – are crawlers crazy?

crawler robot

Hi there, dear reader! If you are intrigued by the “mysteries” of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and obsessed about trying to appear at the top of Google / Bing searches in your city (be it San Francisco, Lisbon, or anywhere in the world), this article is for you. Let’s talk about SEO best practices and show it is possible to achieve results. To illustrate all of this, I’ll tell you how a small business can position itself and win customers in just 4 months on the internet. Get ready for some laughs and a dose of inspiration!

Are “robots” (crawlers) crazy?

If you are a dummie in the field, do random tests or use outdated techniques, you may have the impression that the robots (crawlers) of search engines are crazy, because the tactics that were effective years ago now no longer work.
What happens is that companies that develop search portals periodically implement improvements, always aiming to deliver the best experience and results to researchers. These updates are publicly announced to the press and stakeholders, but only specialists tend to be aware and change their way of working.
Therefore, by doing the basics, the superficial, or missing an important guideline, you might go “crazy” from producing content so much and not getting the expected exposure.

SEO is not a short 10 meter dash

Friend, relax! SEO is a marathon, not a short dash. It’s no use wanting to appear at the top of the results overnight. It takes time, patience and strategy. So take a deep breath and move on.

Get to know your audience

First of all, it is essential to know your target audience. What is their pain or need? How can your product or service help them? These answers will be crucial for choosing the right keywords and creating relevant content. So, my friend, dive into your client’s universe and understand them like no one else!

The power of original and relevant content

Now that you know your audience, it’s time to create original and relevant content. No copying and pasting. “CTRL+SIP” is out of the question! Google loves fresh, quality content, so be creative and bring useful information to anyone who might be interested in your products. Oh, and don’t forget to include your keywords strategically, but don’t overdo it. No pointless repetitions, okay?

The importance of an optimized website

There’s no point in having amazing content if your site isn’t optimized. Make sure your website is responsive, fast and easy to navigate, with special attention to the mobile version. This will ensure a positive user experience and improve your ranking on Google. Oh, and don’t forget about meta tags and descriptions, they’re like your website’s business card.

Backlinks, your secret army

Backlinks are like soldiers that make your website stronger. The more relevant and trusted sites that link to yours, the better your position in search results. But be careful, it’s not worth going around buying links! Google is smart and can punish you for shady practices. So, build relationships, share interesting content, and earn those precious backlinks organically.

Expectation vs. Reality

Keep in mind that your goal is the same as that of all entrepreneurs in your industry. So, it won’t be easy. What will determine the degree of complexity and size of your challenge will be the scope of your market and degree of presence of online competitors. A pioneering product is much easier to index, but it is a scarce exception. The vast majority of companies start their journey wanting a space where there is plenty of competition.
Whether you’re aiming to rank your website in your city, state, across the country, or around the world, you’ll need a realistic plan. This plan will have to take into account your availability of resources (time, marketing structure, budget for contracting services). A realistic plan is one that allows you to achieve gradual achievements, in stages.

Is SEO really free?

SEO is considered a free method of dissemination, as search engines do not charge for indexing and display. However, there is the investment in content production. Your planning needs to take advantage of these resources so that they serve other purposes, adapting the same texts to other media.

An inspiring case

Now, I will tell you the story of an entrepreneur. This person decided to create a website to promote a few products and services, but there were doubts about how to stand out on the internet. With a little research, advice, and following the best SEO practices, it was possible to start producing relevant content, sharing suggestions for use and interesting stories about the production process. The next step was website optimization, making it responsive and easy to navigate. In addition, this business personality established partnerships with other related blogs and sites, sharing content and gaining quality backlinks.

In just 4 months, the new project’s website began to appear on the first pages of Google, in searches for the most relevant keywords in the main target cities. So, the website turned into a constant lead capture channel, and soon, could be used to convert them into sales. The secret? It wasn’t going crazy about algorithms, but consistently following best practices with the help of a copywriter skilled in SEO.

Well, that person is YOU, only in a few months ahead, if you want so. Even if you are starting a project from scratch, the possibility that this will be your story is real. If you are determined to carry out excellent plans in the coming months and take an ultimate step towards your digital presence, you can achieve excellent ranks in several searches in your sector.

At peace with the robots

Do I really need professional help? Which professionals are able to contribute in this process?
Well, as a matter of availability and knowledge, the vast majority of businessmen choose to hire an SEO professional or service. This service is provided by self-employed professionals, agencies or employees within companies. The number of professionals involved and the degree of specialization usually vary proportionally to the structure of the contracting company and the volume of work. Companies with large teams and large campaigns often have SEO specialists who are dedicated exclusively to this activity. There are also SEO copywriters and content copywriters who are certified in SEO.
For everyone there is a range of auxiliary tools. However, what sets them apart the most is their up-to-date look at search engine policies, their ability to analyze data and execute content strategies according to what “bots like”. Removing obstacles on your pages is the most basic commitment of these advisors.

What digital champions teach us

SEO is essential, but it alone is not enough. In addition to maintaining consistency in good practices and quality content, it is essential to know that marketing and communication always yield better results with integrated strategies. Therefore, consider planning other actions in parallel with your SEO. Press office, social media, partnerships with influencers and promotional actions are some of them.

Oh! And do not forget! SEO does not only happen inside your website (on-page), but also outside of it (off-page), in all relevant media where your brand may be present.

So take a deep breath, apply these tips and go for it! Be the protagonist of your SEO journey, but don’t forget to partner up to gain more momentum and have fun along the way. Success and until next time!



Denise Maciel has a degree in Publicity and Propaganda (PUC-PR), with certification in Copywriting and SEO by Rock Content.

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